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Matt Hadden

Fear is not my portion!

Greetings from the Badlands in SD. I am sure most of you are sitting in your homes a good portion of the day as most of the folks are around here. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were making plans for the next nine to ten months out when all of a sudden were realizing that much of those plans were becoming obsolete and outdated with the current times. Much of our regular routine has come to a halt, not being able to meet or visit in the hospitals or jails, the kingdom work God has not changed in any way. Ministry, as we have known it, has taken a different shape.

I find myself these last few days getting lost in my thoughts of what all is going on and how God wants to use us in this community for this moment in time. I have been so encouraged at the thought of the beautiful bride of Christ. One common misconception about the church is thinking of it as "the building in the community with a steeple on top." What an incredible opportunity for people to see that the spirit of the living God cannot be confined by the walls of a building. When I have begun thinking of the economic impact that this pandemic will have on our world, I have been encouraged and blessed at the thought that I have a Father. One beautiful blessing of being a child of God is that I am His child. When we understand our position in Christ Jesus, we can know that there is nothing we will lack because we have a Father that knows our every need and a Savior that intercedes for us. He imputes His righteousness to us, making us worthy of everything in the Kingdom. There is no reason to worry or fear today if you are a child of God. Fear is not our portion.

My thoughts have shifted toward the one who is not a child of God. The hardest part of making decisions as a leader is not a struggle of fear for myself as much as it is for the impact on others. I want to value every aspect of life and secure every opportunity we can as a ministry to continue to share the good news of Jesus to those who have not heard or received His gift yet.

As much as God is not willing for anyone to not have a seat at His table, the reality is, there are many who have never recognized their need for the righteousness of Jesus. Many have somehow felt that they could manage apart from the perfect sacrifice that was made as a way of reconciliation to a Holy God.

I want to encourage you today with those two separate thoughts. 1). If you are a child of God, have no fear. Our Father is not caught off guard with the things of this world, and He knows your every need. Trust Him, seek His face, share with daddy what's on your heart. 2). If you don't know if you are a child of God; Come and sit at the table. You have an invitation to join in the fellowship of the King. None of us are worthy to come to the table without coming through the Lord Jesus. He paid your debt in full, will you come to Him today?

I ask you to join with us in praying for wisdom to know how to best serve the people around us. To minister the gospel faithfully and not wavering.

  • Our plans for working on the medical building have changed some because of the desire for social distancing. However, we are still hoping to press on with the help of local guys to frame the sub-floor of the medical building.

  • Our plans for summer camp are changing as we see what comes of this virus in the coming days, hopefully we will know more in the next few weeks.

  • Starting next week, we are hoping to help fill a gap with breakfast and lunches for children in our community as we are able.

  • Fuel prices are lower than usual right now, and we are praying for the funds to be able to fill the tanks that allow us to use the vans and buses for all the different ministries throughout the year. A large portion of our families does not have reliable transportation to make it to camp or services and require us to put a lot of miles on all of our ministry vehicles. For a full year of ministry, it usually costs roughly $10,000 to fill the tanks. Right now, I believe that the cost would be closer to $8,500.

God is doing some great things here at the Chanku Waste Ranch. I am so blessed to witness the hand of God on the ministry here. To watch His children grow and to see Him go before us in every step.

I am praying for you. I am praying for the peace of God to dwell in your hearts, for you to experience the blessed assurance I have found in my own life.

We are praising Jesus for each of you. We are praising Jesus in this place, in this season, and this uncertainty.

The Haddens

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