I know you all have received an email before that is to let you know of important updates, such as a change in a company’s legal documents or privacy notice updates. I can honestly say that out of all of those “updates,” I have never actually read one of them. I am sure that those updates are important and are needed to be sent as well as received. I just don’t see how they are important to me. I share that to say that this letter is to give you information about a very important update that applies to you if you have any interest in the ministry of the Chanku Waste Ranch.
Chanku Waste Ranch was started by Mike and Monica Brennan several years ago, even before Amanda and I came into the picture or had even heard of any need on the Pine Ridge reservation. When we first moved up here full time, the vision was there to have a quality run kids camp, free for the local children in our area. There was nothing here other than the house and carport. Over the years, I have been privileged to have a front-row seat watching God do some amazing things. I have seen buildings be raised up and have seen countless things take place behind the scenes that never get noticed. I have seen equipment donated from huge things to seemingly small things with each thing no matter the size speaking to the glory and greatness of our God, who is Jehovah Jireh. Apart from all of the material things and finances I have seen God deliver to us, I have seen significant amounts of lives changed. I have had a front-row seat at watching God change many lives of volunteers that have come alongside us. I have seen God change the lives of many of the children in our community by the power of His gospel and I have also seen God change my heart and life over the years working, building, serving and living in this place. I am writing this to remind you all as well as to remind myself of the many provisions and promises God has never failed to bring about and deliver into our lives.
A few months back, the Brennan’s had decided to follow God’s leading into new territory. The decision not only involved stepping into new unknown territory but stepping away from one that they know and love. In doing so, they felt led to remove Youth Evangelism Strategies from the Chanku Waste Ranch to continue new endeavors elsewhere.
What this means is that Chanku Waste Ranch is now its own 501c3 entity with a separate board of directors. All of the ministry involved with the camp is here on Pine Ridge and is not joined with other Youth Evangelism Strategies endeavors. We are still very much praying for all that the Lord leads our brothers and sisters into and are watching to see what all He accomplishes through their obedience. I ask you to stand in the gap for all Native American ministries and pray with great expectation for God to move across this land where the needs are some of the greatest.
The most significant change that applies to you all is how you give. I urge you to pray for God to continue to meet the needs of the camp here. This is a new season for us as well and a different kind of faith we are going to be learning. Much of the camp expenses were all met out of monthly funds raised through Youth Evangelism Strategies. If you have supported the camp through YES in the past and would like to continue to support the camp in the future, we ask that you would send any future support to the address at the bottom.
If you have not supported any area of ministry here in the past but feel led to start, you will be able to support us through the same information at the bottom.
There are a lot of unknowns at what lies ahead but even as I sat down to write this letter my phone rang, and it was someone wanting to meet the need for fuel at the camp. Yesterday, we had a team meeting, and I explained where we were financially and what we were looking at for the summer to be able to do camp. The greatest need we had facing us was $10,000 worth of fuel needed to fill the tanks. I was beyond thrilled to text them just moments ago, reminding them of God’s faithfulness. I want to remind you of that same thing; God is ever faithful. We are not lacking anything. Faith is so hard when I train my eyes only on the things I feel like I should be able to control. Praise Jesus, I am not in control.
We are so grateful for you and expectant of great and mighty things the Lord will continue to do in the coming days.
Learning to serve the Lord in all we do, Matt and Amanda Hadden
Chanku Waste Ranch 118 Chanku Waste Drive Porcupine, SD 57772
If you have any questions, feel free to email, text or call Amanda or me at any time. Matt mhadden@gmail.com 605-407-0416